NOWOS’s approach to sustainable urban mining is governed by our own principles and standards and is in line with good corporate governance as laid down in the Governance Code and B Corp code.

Business principles
Our Business principles guide us in carrying out our mission. They provide the framework that supports not only our strategic future, but also the code of conduct that underlies our day-to-day business operations.

The Business principles are an integral part of the contracts of employment of all NOWOS co-workers. In addition, the Business principles are included in the introduction program for new co-workers. The principles have been drawn up in consultation with the Board of SAAN.

In addition to the broad vision that underpins our business, we have a number of Principles and Values that guide and support our day-to-day decision-making. Our business principles and Colleague Values apply to everyone who works for NOWOS, in any capacity. They serve as a code of conduct, and also set the standard by which internal and external stakeholders can judge us.

Minimum standards
To assess clients, suppliers and investors, our relationship managers and fund managers refer to our Business Principles in the first instance. Then, the Lending criteria which specify how NOWOS’s vision and mission are translated into urban mining practice are applied. The NOWOS Minimum standards set out the absolute minimum requirements that NOWOS applies for its activities.

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Compliance related documents and other policies

Next to our Business principles and our Governance we are guided by several compliance related documents and other policies. For an overview of these documents and other relevant internal regulations see below:

Bilateral contacts with Depository Receipt Holders policy
In accordance with best practice provision IV.3.13 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, NOWOS has formulated a policy on bilateral contacts between NOWOS and its (potential) Depository Receipt Holders and other parties. NOWOS aims to maintain an open and constructive dialogue with existing and (potential) Depository Receipt Holders. (Bilateral) Meetings are arranged to connect directly with existing investors and to offer further insights into publicly available information, ask questions and acquire a better understanding of the business.

Complaints handling policy
For NOWOS having good and transparent relationships with its stakeholders is very important. The company therefore attaches great value to being well informed on possible sources of complaints, and to get in contact with any dissatisfied person so that suitable solutions can be found, and products, activities and services can be improved. This policy describes the measures that we take to ensure that an effective and transparent policy and related procedures for the prompt handling of complaints are in place. It provides clear, accurate and up-to-date guidelines in respect of the complaints handling process.

Recruitment of Executive Board members
NOWOS aims to attract and recruit qualified people with a strong affinity with the mission and values of NOWOS. We believe that a strong connection to the mission combined with diverse backgrounds, skills, and abilities, will enhance the quality of service to our clients. This is also applicable for Executive Board members.

Whistleblower policy
Our Whistleblower policy ensures that co-workers have access (anonymously or otherwise) to the board of NOWOS or the board of SAAN, in case of alleged irregularities of a general, operational and financial nature within our company. It defines the rules and procedures for the proper handling of such allegations.

Position statements

NOWOS and human rights
NOWOS has had a strong commitment to human rights since its inception. Our business principles make a specific commitment to respecting human rights: ‘We respect people, society and different cultures and support the aims of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights’.

NOWOS is working towards reporting in line with, or equivalent to, the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework on international responsible business conduct regarding human rights.

NOWOS’s vision on respecting privacy
Data can be used to better understand our world and each other. At the same time, NOWOS is aware of the fact that the (personal) data it processes can be sensitive and can impact the privacy of our clients and co-workers. NOWOS is committed to respecting privacy and ensuring data protection.​​​​​​​

NOWOS position on publication of tax ruling
A tax ruling is a written confirmation from tax authorities that provides upfront clarity on the tax treatment of company structures or transactions. Such a ruling usually spans a number of years and in the Netherlands is referred to as an Advance Tax Ruling (ATR) or an Advance Pricing Agreement (APA). Transparency is one of NOWOS’s core values. Our principle is to publish any company-specific ATR or APA provided publication that is approved by the relevant tax authority.


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To safeguard our principles, values and objectives, NOWOS has been structured and is managed in such a way as to ensure we can achieve our mission.

How we are organized:

NOWOS is a European Urban mining company. Our head office, and legal address, is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. NOWOS is established in the Netherlands according to Dutch law.

Our vison of a social and sustainable organization is based on the ideology of Reinventing Organizations, Holocracy, AEquacy, Buurtzorg, Patagonia, B corp and many others.

ManaCracy is a purpose driven, self-managing organizational system designed where people can be there true selves.

In contemporary New Zealand English, the word “mana”, taken from the Māori, refers to a person or organization of people of great personal prestige and character.

ManaCracy is an organizational design and operating system that changes the paradigm of the traditional, hierarchical organization and paves the way for greater innovation, collaboration, performance and passion. This new organization structure aims to overcome the limits of the hierarchical organization and expands individual, team, and organizational potential. The design can be displayed as a radial, equalitarian structure of self-managing, peer-coordinated teams, in which people are considered associates instead of employees who serve the organizational purpose autonomously to enhance passion, working according to organizational principles and in partnership with all stakeholders.

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The Members of the Mana Team (Executive Board)

The members of the Mana Team (Executive Board) have a shared overall responsibility for the management of NOWOS. The Executive Board members have a leadership role in support, facilitate and advise teams to operate in line with the organization’s overall purpose, governance and principles. They are accountable to the SAAN Board which appoints them.

SAAN, the foundation for the administration of NOWOS shares

We believe it is crucial that our mission and identity are protected to ensure we can continue to use our natural resources consciously and with the longer term in mind. The role of our shareholders matters in this context. The share capital of NOWOS has been entrusted to the independent Foundation for the Administration of NOWOS Shares (Stichting Administratiekantoor Aandelen NOWOS, SAAN). To finance the shares, SAAN issues depository receipts. These depository receipts can be invested in by retail and institutional investors.

Depository Receipt Holders benefit from the economic rights associated with the shares of NOWOS, such as the right to dividends, but do not exercise any control related to them. Control rights are vested in SAAN. In exercising its voting right at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of NOWOS, the Board of SAAN upholds the following principles:

  1. safeguarding NOWOS’s mission;
  2. safeguarding NOWOS’s independence;
  3. safeguarding the economic interests of the depository receipt holders, which relates to NOWOS’s continuity and profitability, dividends, and the development of the value of depository receipts.

The Board of SAAN aims to align the economic interests of its depository receipt holders and NOWOS’s mission, for their mutual benefit. This is reflected by the following stipulations in SAAN’s administrative conditions:

The foundation shall independently exercise the voting rights attached to the shares owned by it. In doing so, it shall be guided by the interests of the depository receipt holders and the interests of the organization, as well as by the principles expressed in the objects of the organization. For an overview of the shares taken in trust and the issued depository receipts of NOWOS, as at 31 December 2019, please refer to Statement of the Shares in our online Annual Report.

The Board of SAAN, NOWOS and its Depository Receipt Holders engage with each other regularly, following the principles outlined in the document ‘SAAN’s vision on its role’.

This happens both informally and formally through meetings like the AGM and meetings for Depository Receipt Holders in the countries where NOWOS is active.

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Depository Receipt Holders

NOWOS has been an independent organization since its establishment in 2019. To ensure the special character and mission of our organization all shares are held in trust by a dedicated foundation (SAAN). 

This foundation issues depository receipts which can be bought by investors. The majority of depository receipts are privately owned. The voting rights of these large depository receipt holders do not differ from other depository receipt holders. They may never own more than 10% of all depository receipts issued and each Depository Receipt Holder is limited to a maximum of 1,000 votes when voting at the General Meeting of Depository Receipt Holders. This meeting appoints the members of the Board of SAAN, based on its recommendations.


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Our Business Principles

We are dedicated to make a positive impact on the world and to lead by example. Our Business Principles are deeply ingrained principles that guide all of our actions, behaviours, and decision-making. They govern our conduct and set the standard by which internal and external stakeholders can evaluate us. The NOWOS Principles apply to all co-workers and are aligned with our mission statement and Colleague Values.

We are committed to the following Business Principles:

  1. Promote sustainable development: We consider the social, environmental and financial impacts of all that we do.
  2. Respect human rights: We respect people, society and different cultures and support the aims of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  3. Respect the environment: We will do all that we can to create and support positive environmental impacts.
  4. Accountability: We are accountable, responsible and committed to all our stakeholders for our actions.
  5. Continuous improvement: We seek to continuously improve all facets of our business.
  6. Respect and obey the law: We are committed to complying with all legal requirements in all countries in which we operate.
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Our Colleague Values:

In order to encourage, achieve and maintain an atmosphere of high integrity, trust, competence and safety among all colleagues, customers and suppliers, each NOWOS Colleague commits to the following values:

  1. We don’t break the law: act with integrity, be responsible, accountable & honest!
  2. Nobody holds power over (an)other person(s), as:
    – People are good unless proven otherwise!
    – All people have equal human worth!
    – All people are unique individuals!
  3. Keep it simple & Communicate directly: empty the snake pits!
  4. Be a leader:
    – Sweep the Sheds: Never be too big to do the small things that need to be done.
    – Go for the Gap: when you’re on top of our game, change your game.
    – Play with Purpose: ask “Why?”
    – Pass the Ball: Leaders create leaders.
    – Create a Learning Environment: Leaders are teachers.
    – No Dickheads: Follow the spearhead.
    – Embrace Expectations: Aim for the highest cloud.
    – Train to Win: Practice under pressure.
    – Keep a Blue Head: Control your attention.
    – Know Thyself: Keep it real.
    – Champions Do Extra: Find something you would die for and give your life to it.
    – Invent Your Own Language: Sing the world into existence.
    – Ritualize to Actualize: Create a culture.
    – Be a Good Ancestor: Plant trees you’ll never see.
    – Write Your Legacy: This is your time!


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At NOWOS, we envision a global economy that uses business as a force for good. This economy is comprised of a new type of corporation, which is purpose-driven and creates benefit for all stakeholders.

This people oriented, environmental approach is also expressed in the company name: ‘NOWOS’, meaning a new common spirit, living again¹.

Our Mission: 

Our mission is to create a circular economy for Lithium-Ion batteries that has a positive effect on the planet, people and profit. We aim to add value by treating used Lithium-Ion batteries not as waste, but as a valuable material for re-creation. 

NOWOS aims to implement the full EPR of lithium-ion batteries by providing for the entire waste hierarchy – including repair and reuse – to support the circular economy for lithium-ion batteries. Our aim is to extend the life of products and ultimately reuse and recycle raw materials in the best way possible. 

Our core activities:

  1. By repairing, refurbishing, repurposing, recycling and engineering, we enable the development of a true Circular Economy for lithium-ion batteries (the Cradle to cradle/grave Service). 
  2. Moreover, we provide advice, support and services to producers and distributors of batteries and accumulators to comply with European battery legislation (CE, UN 38.3) and the Extended Producers Responsibility (the Compliance Service).

¹ “Nous” meaning “spirit” in Greek and “we” in French: our common spirit, we are in this together.

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